Let Rom and Eliah Rescue Your Plans for Delivering Mobile Apps to the Market
Are you considering delaying your mobile app production due to economic uncertainty? Let us help you get back on track while keeping your budget in check.
Hey, it’s Rom & Eliah, and now we are your trump card to beat the global downtrends
We are engineers with a track record of successful tech projects, including developing in-car automotive software for Toyota and creating a large ERP system for a pharmaceutical manufacturer.
But recently, we discovered a new superpower: the ability to deliver high-quality mobile app development at a low cost!
It sounds crazy, but we can actually deliver all the mobile apps you wanted to release before the global things went crazy!
Top QualityFast-working stable top-quality code. Easy to manage and release updates
No Low CodeNo cut-corner tricks like no/low-code tools, that affect apps quality
AffordableEven if there isn't a specific row for it on your new P&L, the costs will still fit
Our stack and technologies
Google Cloud PlatformFlutterGoRustAndroidSwiftJavaKubernetesAngularNuxtVueKotlinDjango
We are 10x Engeneers
The secret behind this tour de force is our nature — we are brilliant engineers with an insanely attractive cost per result.
We only hire 10x engineers, and we are all 10x engineers ourselves. Being a 10x engineer is not something that can be learned, and for many reasons, 10x engineers prefer freedom over money, so they do not like being hired. Instead, they prefer to work independently.
Regular Engineer
Regular engineer
Spends paid hours to find solutions Looks for code on StackOverflow Codes short-term Regular result-per-hour rate
10x Engineer
10x engineer
Knows the solutions after the first look Writes answers on StackOverflow Considers each line on the distance 10x better result-per-hour rate
Instead of looking for the lowest cost per hour coders, we’re focused on the best cost per result
A 10x engineer can accomplish in just one hour what would take a regular engineer five hours to do, and with 50 lines of code instead of 500
Ok, it's time for proofs! Let’s take a look at things we have already done
Wealth management app for the German online broker
How the global economy affected the project
The company was about to halt the app’s production.
Rom & Eliah rescue operation
We delivered apps to Google Play and Apple App Store from scratch in record time, completing the project 2x faster and 2.7x cheaper than the competition's best offer.

«Rom and Eliah have an excellent understanding of business processes. They convinced us that they could handle the full cycle of the project from start to finish, and it turned out to be the right decision to trust them. They came up with some clever solutions that provided important features without requiring a lot of development, and as a result, we got much more than we anticipated. This project has been one of the most successful in terms of return on investment in our history.»

Julian Garbotz
Julian GarbotzManaging director, Formtastic GmbH
Ok, here is the best thing you can do. Text us!
That’s not a problem if you don’t have a clear request right now.
Just tell your story at welcome@nerdy.pro